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** Papagon kacatur ti [[:en:q:George Herbert|George Herbert]], ''Jacula Prudentum'' (1651), #495.
* '''Who is worse shod, than the shoemaker's wife,'''</br>Saha nu leuwih goréng ti pamajikan tukang nyieun sapatu?, <br /> '''With shops full of shoes all her life?'''</br>Kalawan toko-toko pinuh sapatu salila hirupna?
** Papagon kacatur ti [[:en:q:John Heywood|John Heywood]], ''Proverbs'' (1546), Pt. I, ch. 11.
**Cf.Bandingkeun thejeung morepapagon recentanu leuwih anyar(?) proverb: '''"The cobbler's children wear no shoes."''' ("Barudak tukang sapatu teu maraké sapatu.")
* '''I played in a new pair of shoes one day and they wore big blisters on my feet. The next day we came up short of players, a couple of men hurt and one missing. [...] I tried it with my old shoes on and just couldn't make it. He told me I'd have to play anyway, so I threw away the shoes and went to the outfield in my stockinged feet. [...] They picked it up and started calling me Shoeless Joe all around the league, and it stuck. I never played the outfield barefoot, and that was the only day I ever played in my stockinged feet, but it stuck with me.'''</br>Dina hiji poé kuring ulin sapoéeun maké sapatu anyar tur sapatu éta ngalepuh dina suku kuring. Isukna sapatu kuring geus teu weuteuh, nu hiji ruksak, anu hiji deui kalah leungit. [...] Kuring nyobaan maké sapatu heubeul kuring ngan asa teu ngarareunaheun. Sapatu nu nyésa ngomong ka kuring yén kuring kudu angger maén, tungtungna kuring miceun éta sapatu sabari indit ka tegalan sabari maké kos kaki. [...] Babaturan kuring mireungeuh sapatu heubeul kuring sabari ngalandi kuring Shoeless Joe di sakabéh pamaénan, anu matak kuring rumasa aral. Kuring can pernah maén bari nyékér, jeung poé éta mangrupa poé di mana kuring méngbal kur maké kos kaki wungkul, tapi matak kaingetan waé.
** [[:en:q:Shoeless Joe Jackson|Shoeless Joe Jackson]], ''This is the Truth!'' (Ieu nu Bener) (1949).
* '''The shoe that fits one person pinches another.'''</br>Sapatu nu cocog pikeun saurang nyiwit batur.
* I played in a new pair of shoes one day and they wore big blisters on my feet. The next day we came up short of players, a couple of men hurt and one missing. [...] I tried it with my old shoes on and just couldn't make it. He told me I'd have to play anyway, so I threw away the shoes and went to the outfield in my stockinged feet. [...] They picked it up and started calling me Shoeless Joe all around the league, and it stuck. I never played the outfield barefoot, and that was the only day I ever played in my stockinged feet, but it stuck with me.
** [[:en:q:ShoelessCarl Joe JacksonJung|ShoelessCarl Joe JacksonJung]], ''ThisModern isMan thein Truth!Search of a Soul'' (1949Jelema Modéren Néangan Jiwa) (1933).
* '''The most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside. That’s what’s really going to make you look like you’re ready to rock the world.'''</br>Anu pangpentingna pikeun diinget nyaéta yén Anjeun bisa maké kabéh papakéan panghadéna tur sapatu anu panghadéna ogé, tatapi Anjeun kudu mibanda sumanget anu alus dina jiwa. Nu kitu anu nyaan bakal nyieun Anjeun katempo siap pikeun ngagoncangkeun dunya.
* The shoe that fits one person pinches another.
** [[:en:q:Alicia Keys|Alicia Keys]], Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Kutipan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Retrieved JanuaryDiaksés 22, Januari 2013.
** [[:en:q:Carl Jung|Carl Jung]], ''Modern Man in Search of a Soul'' (1933).
* '''We’ve been wearing heels for so long, we’ve gotten so used to them that we feel more comfortable wearing them when we’re going up on stage. It straightens our postures; it makes us feel more confident. It’s not comfortable, but we’re so adjusted now that it feels weird without them.'''</br>Kuring saréréa geus maké sapatu kelom geus rada lila, kuring saréréa geus ilahar makéna anu matak karasa ngarareunaheun pas naék kana panggung. Sapatu ieu ngaluruskeun postur arurang; ogé nyieun urang leuwih wantér. Mimitina mah émang teu ngeunaheun, tapi da ahirna mah biasa waé.
* The most important thing to remember is that you can wear all the greatest clothes and all the greatest shoes, but you’ve got to have a good spirit on the inside. That’s what’s really going to make you look like you’re ready to rock the world.
:* [[:en:w:Kwon Yuri|Kwon Yuri]], in Jaki Cho, "[http://www.complex.com/music/2011/11/interview-girls-generation-talk-fame-k-pop-and-world-domination Interview: Girls Generation Talk Fame, K-Pop, and World Domination (Kasohoran Nyatur Girls Generation, K-Pop, jeung Dominasi Dunya)]", ''Complex'' (November 12, November 2011).
** [[:en:q:Alicia Keys|Alicia Keys]], Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time". Glamour. Retrieved January 22, 2013.
* '''Shoes transform your body language and attitude. They lift you physically and emotionally.'''</br>Sapatu ngarobah basa awak tur sikep Anjeun. Aréta ngangkat Anjeun boh fisik tur émosional.
* We’ve been wearing heels for so long, we’ve gotten so used to them that we feel more comfortable wearing them when we’re going up on stage. It straightens our postures; it makes us feel more confident. It’s not comfortable, but we’re so adjusted now that it feels weird without them.
** Christian Louboutin, Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time" (25 Kutipan Fésyen Pangalusna Sakabéh Mangsa). Glamour. Retrieved JanuaryDiaksés 22, Januari 2013.
:* [[:en:w:Kwon Yuri|Kwon Yuri]], in Jaki Cho, "[http://www.complex.com/music/2011/11/interview-girls-generation-talk-fame-k-pop-and-world-domination Interview: Girls Generation Talk Fame, K-Pop, and World Domination]", ''Complex'' (November 12, 2011).
* Shoes transform your body language and attitude. They lift you physically and emotionally.
** Christian Louboutin, Arneson, Krystin; Gustashaw, Megan (2011). "25 of the Best Fashion Quotes of All Time". Glamour. Retrieved January 22, 2013.
* High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.