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Baris ka-6:
== Kutipan ==
* '''And all the people inside looked at Karen’s red shoes, and all the figures gazed at them; when Karen knelt before the altar and put the golden goblet to her mouth, she thought only of the red shoes. It seemed to her as though they were swimming about in the goblet, and she forgot to sing the psalm, forgot to say the “Lord’s Prayer.”'''</br>Jeung sakumna jelema di jero nempo sapatu beureum Karen, tur kabéh sosok ngajeueung manéhna; nalika Karen nungkulan di hareupeun altar tur nunda piala emas kana sungutna, manéhna ngan mikirkeun sapatu beureum. Keur manéhna api-apina sarapatu éta ngojay dina piala, jeung manéhna poho nembangkeun mazmur, poho ngocapkeun "Du'aNun BapaAma Arurang”di Sawarga”.
:: '''Now every one came out of church, and the old lady stepped into her carriage. But just as Karen was lifting up her foot to get in too, the old soldier said: “Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!” and Karen could not help it, she was obliged to dance a few steps; and when she had once begun, her legs continued to dance. It seemed as if the shoes had got power over them. She danced round the church corner, for she could not stop; the coachman had to run after her and seize her. He lifted her into the carriage, but her feet continued to dance, so that she kicked the good old lady violently. At last they took off her shoes, and her legs were at rest.'''</br>Ayeuna unggal jelema kaluar ti garéja, jeung awéwé kolot éta asup kana karétana. Tapi pas keur Karen ngangkat sukuna sangkan asup ogé, prajurit kolot éta nyaur: "Ahh, sapatu igel anu hadé!" nu matak Karen teu bisa nahanan anjeunna, manéhna kudu ngigel sababaraha langkah; tur nalika anjeunna geus ngamimitian, sukuna teterusan ngigel. Sigana sapatu éta geus ngawasaan maranéhna. Manéhna ngigel di juru garéja, kusabab manéhna teu bisa eureun, kusir kudu ngudag tur néwak manéhna. Manéhna nyingkatkeunna kana karéta, tapi sukuna teterusan ngigel, nu matak manéhna najong awéwé kolot anu bageur éta kalawan tarik. Pamustunganana maranéhna ngudar sapatuna, tur sapatuna bisa cicing.
:::* [[:en:q:Hans Christian Andersen|Hans Christian Andersen]] [[:en:w:The Red Shoes|The Red Shoes]] (1845)