a) it is a cinematograph film, photograph or computer program and 50 years have passed since the end of the year in which it was first made available to the public with the consent of the copyright holder;
b) it is another type of work and 50 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the author died.
To the uploader: Please provide the authorship and publication details.
Gambar ini menunjukkan bendera, lambang negara, segel atau lambang resmi lain. Penggunaan lambang tersebut dibatasi di banyak negara. Pembatasan tersebut independen dari status hak cipta.
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Mun ieu berkas geus diropéa tina wangun aslina, sawatara wincikan meureun baé teu sagemblengna ngarépléksikeun informasi ti ieu berkas nu diropéa téh.